Saturday 14 June 2008

Doctor Who 4.9 - Forest of the Dead

Once again, I am posting this review just before episode 10 airs, but I shall attempt to do better this week!

So, Forest of the Dead, I liked a lot. It felt like a nice compliment and conclusion to the previous episode, and I was pleased to see that we did not get any firm answers regarding what River Song's relationship was with the Doctor.

Other than that it was atmospheric, wonderfully well written, and generally well-paced, as opposed to the somewhat slow nature of the previous episode.

Negative points, the Vashta Nerada seemed to get relegated to the background as of about the middle of the episode, and the point where the Doctor fell down through the trapdoor felt remarkably pointless, although amusing. And that ending? Is the implication that it is better for a data ghost of someone to live inside a computer than for them to die? Was all a bit bizarre from my perspective.. but anyway.

Loved the way that the second part started in a completely different place and time to the end of the first part.

Don't really know what else to write about it, but I did enjoy it a lot.

Oh, and if you didnt hear the podcast commentary and you are a fan, you should have done! It was hilarious!!

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