Monday 21 April 2008

Time Travel, God and the Whoniverse

Whilst I was washing up earlier, and then defrosting my freezer (a neccessary evil caused by a combination of a crap freezer door and my own laziness, which in turn has denied me the planned curry for tonights dinner) I started to muse on concepts of God and time travel.

Surely, I postured, if Time Travel is possible in the universe, shouldn't God therefore be able to time travel. Which, in turn, could make him a less imposing proposition, and simply a time travelling person. But what sort of person would be able to get the knowledge and elements of creation and then spend enough time to create the universe from knowledge they had acquired from time travel?

The answer, my Dr Who loving friends is obvious.

God must be.....

Captain Jack Harkness!!

The man cannot die, lives in a universe where time travel exists and is perfectly feasable, and (if you believe that he is the Face of Boe) is "older than the universe itself."

I think that it therefore fits perfectly.

Captain Jack is God.

That is all.

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