Monday, 3 August 2009

Clearing the Cobwebs...

So, I got accused of allowing cobwebs to grow over this blog... Metaphorical ones obviously.... there weren't real spiders crawling over the internet making webs all over my previous blog entries...


So I've had a really good couple of weeks holiday, hanging out in Poole, working on Wonderland etc... and I'm now back in London for a week before heading up to see Nai and Jay at the weekend and then back to Poole again

And I don't really have much to write about here....

But I am watching my new Middleman DVDs. And it RULES. It's such a good series....

If you haven't seen it, WATCH IT!! I know it hasn't been on TV over here, but I'm sure you can find bits on Youtube, or any other strange and unmentionable illegal video sites...

And then buy it :)

Then BUY IT!!!

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