Thursday, 9 July 2009

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Part Three - SPOILERS

I have a feeling these reviews are going to get shorter as this week carries on...

So, Day Three (incidentally, why did they have to force it so that everything happens on different days.. i'd have just called it Parts One - Five, but I digress..)

Lots of good stuff, I liked it more than Part Two, and possibly more than Part One.

The 456 in the tank was creepy.. and I'm torn as to whether I want to get to see it fully, because it might be a letdown!

Loved the way that Frobisher has been set up to fail because he's expendable....

Jack being the guy who gave them the children last time? Not surprised in the slightest...If someone did something bad in the past its always Jack :P

But the thing that is making me think... and i'm not sure if that's good or bad... is that in a normal Torchwood episode (or an episode of most things) then as soon as the audience knew who the aliens were, Torchwood knows. That's why I had a bit of a shock when it took till Jacks phone call to Frobisher to discover that it was the 456.

Intriguing relationship between Frobisher and Jack...

Lois was better than yesterday - although she shouldn't have managed to get away with that godawful excuse for getting into the room...

Lots of nice character stuff still - and I loved the Torchwood Hustle ;) Although, who'd believe John Barrowman was a waiter in those tracksuit trousers? And why didnt the guy report his Porsche being stolen directly to the police.... who would have noticed when Jack kept driving around in it!!

All good.. not much more to say...

8.5 / 10

Bring on part four....

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