Wednesday, 11 February 2009

I know this is late, but what the hell....

*Sings* Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na- DOPE MILKMAN!!

Picture the scene, the Milkman walks up the driveway of a normal looking house, casually checking left and right, ensuring that he is not being watched, as he reaches the door. He picks up the note from an empty milk bottle and reads it. Suddenly looking shifty he takes the empty bottle back to the milkfloat and swaps it for two pints of full-fat and a small clear bag. He takes them up and places them by the door and moves on, leaving the milk and an eighth of dope on the doorstep of a old person, to help them with their aches and pains.

But it's OK because he would never sell drugs to children.

For some reason this story just made me laugh.

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